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Research on traumatic brain injury in the military highlighted in Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal

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<p>The Emmes Corporation today announced that a large team of scientists and health professionals including those from the company, LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, Lovelace Biomedical Environmental Research Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the U.S. Army Medical and Materiel Development Activity at Fort Detrick, Maryland, have authored a series of papers summarizing significant research on traumatic brain injury in the military. </p><p>Dr. Anne Lindblad, biostatistician and Emmes president and chief executive officer, and Dr. Steffanie Wilson, Emmes biostatistician, collaborated with principal investigator Dr. Lindell Weaver of the Hyperbaric Medicine Department of LDS Hospital, as well as Susan Churchill and Kayla Deru, also of LDS Hospital. Representing the funding organization of the study, the Hyperbaric Oxygen Project Management Office of the U.S. Army Medical and Materiel Development Activity, were Col. Scott Miller, Col. Austin Chhoeu, Capt. Brett Hart and Capt. Leonard Skipper. </p><p>According to Dr. Weaver of LDS Hospital, “These papers addressed the baseline findings of one of the most complex clinical trials of hyperbaric oxygen, which is being investigated as a potential intervention for post‐concussive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury in a military population.” The study, sponsored by the Department of Defense, addressed both active duty and veterans in the military who suffered from mild traumatic brain injuries. </p><p>He added, “Even though our study was directed to military personnel, its results will be applicable to people outside the military, such as victims of sports injuries and car accidents who have suffered from mild traumatic brain injuries.” </p><p>Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often associated with the treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning, as well as decompression sickness, which can result from scuba diving. Under hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a person inhales 100 percent oxygen in a total body chamber. </p><p>Dr. Wilson of Emmes explained that this study differed from those in the past both in duration of follow‐up activities with the participants and a more comprehensive battery of assessments in such groups as visual, audiological, neurological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging. “A key purpose of our research was to understand how the study population performed on these assessments to help select endpoints for related clinical trials in the future,” she said. </p><p>“The papers we wrote for the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal addressed baseline data from the clinical trial,” she continued. “We appreciate the combined efforts of the study team and all of the authors of the papers. We expect to produce a series of additional manuscripts on post‐intervention findings.” </p><p>Dr. Lindblad, president and chief executive officer of Emmes, said, “We hope this research will be the cornerstone of an expanded opportunity for exploring more effective treatment for brain injuries and potentially post‐traumatic stress disorder. This is a perfect example of the benefits of scientific collaboration.” </p><p><strong>About the Research</strong><br />The papers were published in a special edition of the <a href="… and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal</a> this month. Non‐subscribers can access the papers for a nominal fee. </p><p><strong>About Emmes</strong><br />We collaborate with our clients to produce valued, trusted scientific research. Our team members at Emmes are passionate about making a difference in the quality of human health, and we have supported more than a thousand studies across a diverse range of diseases since our formation in 1977. Our research is contributing to a healthier world. For more information, visit the Emmes website at </p>

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