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Optimizing an Existing Data Collection System for Tablet Compatibility: Considerations and a Case Study


Conference Paper

Yesko, L.; Allen, C.; Verma, S.; Bobys, E.; VanVeldhuisen, P.

Society for Clinical Trials 35th Annual Meeting

Philadelphia, PA


Electronic data capture (EDC) is now a common component in many clinical trials and will continue to become more prevalent as electronic health record systems are implemented. A number of options are available for acquiring a system that range from purchasing an existing system modifiable for a trial, using an open-source free web-based system, or building a custom system in-house. Many of these existing systems were designed for research personnel at sites to enter data via a browser in a traditional laptop or desktop setting; yet digital adoption in healthcare settings is increasing the most in tablet use. Further, this is a preferred approach when study participants are requested to enter data directly rather than administered through research staff. When designing or purchasing a data collection system, attention must now be paid not only to creating an appropriate dataset, but to optimize a system for collecting these data on a tablet device. In a recent study designed by the Clinical Trials Network of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a web-based data collection system was required to administer participant surveys directly on an iPad. After consideration of benefits and risks of using an external vendor to program an application, it was determined that our custom in-house EDC system could be modified to collect these data. To be presented will be key design and performance requirements identified during the development phase, including layout compatibility for portrait and landscape, text and image size, colors, and utilizing a contextual keyboard. The navigation, layout, and answer displays of the participant survey questions will also be described.

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