
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Macular Telangiectasia Type 2: Visual Acuity, Disease End Stage, and the MacTel Area: MacTel Project Report Number 8.

2020 Apr 21

Heeren, T.F.C., Chew, E.Y., Clemons, T., Fruttiger, M., Balaskas, K., Schwartz, R., Egan, C.A., Issa, P.Charbel

Retinal Specialist versus Artificial Intelligence Detection of Retinal Fluid from OCT: Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2: 10-Year Follow-On Study.

2020 Jun 27 ePub

Keenan, T.D.L., Clemons, T.E., Domalpally, A., Elman, M.J., Havilio, M., Agrón, E., Benyamini, G., Chew, E.Y.

A population-based approach to reporting system-level performance measures for rheumatoid arthritis care.

2020 Mar 07

Barber, C.E.H., Marshall, D.A., Szefer, E., Barnabe, C., Shiff, N.J., Bykerk, V., Homik, J., Thorne, C., Ahluwalia, V., Benseler, S., Mosher, D., Twilt, M., Lacaille, D.

Addressing identification bias in the design and analysis of cluster-randomized pragmatic trials: a case study.

2020 Mar 23

Bobb, J.F., Qiu, H., Matthews, A.G., McCormack, J., Bradley, K.A.

Developing a clinical decision support for opioid use disorders: a NIDA center for the clinical trials network working group report.

2020 01 16

Bart, G.B., Saxon, A., Fiellin, D.A., McNeely, J., Muench, J.P., Shanahan, C.W., Huntley, K., Gore-Langton, R.E.

Impact of Personal Protective Equipment on Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Performance: A Controlled Trial.

2020 Jun

Donoghue, A.J., Kou, M., Good, G.L., Eiger, C., Nash, M., Henretig, F.M., Stacks, H., Kochman, A., Debski, J., Chen, J.Y., Sharma, G., Hornik, C.P., Gosnell, L., Siegel, D., Krug, S., Adler, M.D.

Impact of Personal Protective Equipment on the Performance of Emergency Pediatric Tasks.

2020 Feb 24

Adler, M.D., Krug, S., Eiger, C., Good, G.L., Kou, M., Nash, M., Henretig, F.M., Hornik, C.P., Gosnell, L., Chen, J.Y., Debski, J., Sharma, G., Siegel, D., Donoghue, A.J.

Plasmablast, Memory B Cell, CD4+ T Cell, and Circulating Follicular Helper T Cell Responses to a Non-Replicating Modified Vaccinia Ankara Vaccine.

2020 Feb 06

Anderson, E.J., Lai, L., Wrammert, J., Kabbani, S., Xu, Y., Priyamvada, L., Hill, H., Goll, J.B., Jensen, T.L., Kao, C., Yildirim, I., Rouphael, N., Jackson, L., Mulligan, M.J.

Population Pharmacokinetics of Metoclopramide in Infants, Children, and Adolescents.

2020 Apr 23

Ge, S., Mendley, S.R., Gerhart, J.G., Melloni, C., Hornik, C.P., Sullivan, J.E., Atz, A., Delmore, P., Tremoulet, A., Harper, B., Payne, E., Lin, S., Erinjeri, J., Cohen-Wolkowiez, M., Gonzalez, D.