
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Dose Ranging Study of Lutein Supplementation in Persons over age 60


Chew, E., Ferris, F.L., deMonasterio, F., Thompson, D.J.S., Csaky, K.G., Woods, M., Khachik, F., Bone, R., Landrum, J.

Horizontal rectus tenotomy in patients with congenital nystagmus (CN): results in ten adults


Hertle, R., Dell'Osso, L., FitzGibbon, E., Thompson, D., Yang, D., Mellow, S.

Humanized anti-interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor alpha therapy: long-term results in uveitis patients and preliminary safety and activity data for establishing parameters for subcutaneous administration


Nussenblatt, R.B., Thompson, D.J.S., Li, Z., Peterson, J.S., Robinson, R.R., Shames, R.S., Nagarajan, S., Tang, M.T., Mailman, M., Velez, G., Roy, C., Levy-Clarke, G.A., Suhler, E.B., Djalilian, A., Sen, H.N., Al-Khatib, S., Ursea, R., Srivastava, S., Bamji, A., Mellow, S., Sran, P., ,

Initial results of the Protein Kinase C b Inhibitor Diabetic Retinopathy Study (PKC-DRS)


Milton, R.C., Aiello, L.P., Davis, M.D., Arora, V., Vignati, L., Sheetz, M.J., Group, T.P.K.C.D.R.S.St

Initial results of the Protein Kinase C beta Inhibitor Diabetic Macular Edema Study (PKC-DMES)


Aiello, L.P., Davis, M.D., Milton, R.C., Sheetz, M.J., Arora, V., Vignati, L.

Initial results of the Protein Kinase C beta Inhibitor Diabetic Retinopathy Study (PKC-DRS)


Milton, R.C., Aiello, L.P., Davis, M.D., Sheetz, M.J., Arora, V., Vignati, L.