
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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A prospective, randomized, trial of the effect of multi-center trial of antibody induction in simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation: three year results


Burke, G.W., Kauffman, D.B., Millis, J.B., Gaber, A.O., Johnson, C.P., Sutherland, D.E.R., Punch, J., Kahan, B.D., Schweitzer, E., Langnas, A., Perkins, J., Scandling, J., Concepcion, W., Stengall, M.D., Schulak, J.A., Gores, P.F., Benedetti, E., Danovitch, G., Henning, A.K., ,

A randomized, prospective, multicenter comparison of Tacrolimus, Mycophenolate Mofetil (mmf) and steroids vs Cyclosporine Microemulsion, (mmf) and steroids vs Tacrolimus, Sirolimus and steroids in de novo cardiac transplant recipients - 6 month report


Kobashigawa, J.A., Miller, L., Russell, S., Ewald, G., Zucker, M., Goldberg, L., Salm, K., Washington, R., Fitzsimmons, W.E., First, M.R., Gao, J., Inc., F.Healthcare

A Simple Clinical Scale for Estimating the Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Progression


Bressler, S.B., Ferris, F.L., Davis, M.D., Gangnon, R.E., Hubbard, L.D., Lee, L.Y., Chew, E.Y., Klein, B.E., Klein, R., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

Antioxidant supplementation prevents the oxidation of blood plasma cysteine/cystine redox status in elderly subjects


Moriarty, S.E., Openo, K., Lynn, M., Bressler, S., Gensler, G., Jones, D.P., Sternberg, P., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

Association between C-Reactive Protein and Macular Degeneration


Seddon, J., Gensler, G., Milton, R., Klein, M., Rifai, N.

Associations between c-reactive protein and age-related macular degeneration


Seddon, J.M., Gensler, G., Milton, R.C., Klein, M.L., Rifai, N.

Centrum use and progression of age-related cataract in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) - A propensity score approach


Milton, R.C., Clemons, T.E., Sperduto, R.D., Klein, B.E.K., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas