
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Heavy Metals and Couple Fecundity, The LIFE Study


Louis, G.M.Buck, Sundaram, R., Schisterman, E.F., Sweeney, A.M., Lynch, C.D., Gore-Langton, R.E., Chen, Z., Kim, S., Caldwell, K.L., Barr, D.B.

Higher Antigen Content Improves the Immune Response to 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine in HIV-Infected Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial


Sahly, E., Davis, C., Kotloff, K., Meier, J., Winokur, P., Wald, A., Johnston, C., George, S., Brady, R., Lehmann, C., Stokes-Riner, A., Keitel, W.

Intracoronary Cardiosphere-Derived Cells for Heart Regeneration After Myocardial Infarction (CADUCEUS): A Prospective, Randomised Phase 1 Trial


Makkar, R.R., Smith, R.R., Cheng, K., Malliaras, K., Thomson, L.E., Berman, D., Czer, L.S., Marban, L., Mendizabal, A., Johnston, P.V., Russell, S.D., Schuleri, K.H., Lardo, A.C., Gerstenblith, G., Marban, E.

Outcomes of Endodontic Therapy in General Practice: A Study by the Practitioners Engaged in Applied Research and Learning Network


Bernstein, S., Horowitz, A., Man, M., Wu, H., Foran, D., Vena, D., Collie, D., Matthews, A., Curro, F.A., Thompson, V.P., Craig, R.G.

Outcomes of Liver Transplant Recipients with Hepatitis C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection


Terrault, N.A., Roland, M.E., Schiano, T., Dove, L., Wong, M., Poordad, F., Ragni, M.V., Barin, B., Simon, D., Olthoff, K.M., Johnson, L., Stosor, V., Jayaweera, D., Fung, J., Sherman, K.E., Subramanian, A., Millis, J., Slakey, D., Berg, C., Carlson, L., Ferrell, L., Stablein, D.

Parental Sleep Concerns in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Variations from Childhood to Adolescence


Goldman, S.E., Richdale, A.L., Clemons, T., Malow, B.A.

Phase 2 Assessment of the Safety and Immunogenicity of Two Inactivated Pandemic Monovalent H1N1 Vaccines in Adults as a Component of the U.S. Pandemic Preparedness Plan in 2009


Chen, W.H., Winokur, P.L., Edwards, K.M., Jackson, L.A., Wald, A., Walter, E.B., Noah, D.L., Wolff, M., Kotloff, K.L., Chua, J.V., Hutter, J., Stephens, I., Stapleton, J., Meier, J., Callahan, S.T., Creech, C.B., Halasa, N.B., Johnston, C., Dolor, R.J., Schmader, K.E., Woods, C.W., Hill, H.

Potent Induction Immunotherapy Promotes Long-Term Insulin Independence After Islet Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes


Bellin, M.D., Barton, F.B., Heitman, A., Harmon, J., Balamurugan, A.N., Kandaswamy, R., Sutherland, D.E., Alejandro, R., Hering, B.J.

Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Propranolol Added to Topiramate in Chronic Migraine


Silberstein, S.D., Dodick, D.W., Lindblad, A.S., Holroyd, K., Harrington, M., Mathew, N.T., Hirtz, D., Group, C.Migraine T.