
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Efficacy of vaccination with live attenuated, cold-adapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza virus vaccine against a variant (A/Sydney) not contained in the vaccine.

2000 Feb

Belshe, R.B., Gruber, W.C., Mendelman, P.M., Cho, I., Reisinger, K., Block, S.L., Wittes, J., Iacuzio, D., Piedra, P., Treanor, J., King, J., Kotloff, K., Bernstein, D.I., Hayden, F.G., Zangwill, K., Yan, L., Wolff, M.

Loss of living donor renal allograft survival advantage in children with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.

2001 Jan

Baum, M.A., Stablein, D.M., Panzarino, V.M., Tejani, A., Harmon, W.E., Alexander, S.R.

Outcome of renal transplantation in adolescents with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.

2002 Dec

Baum, M.A., Ho, M., Stablein, D., Alexander, S.R.

Visual acuity as an outcome measure in clinical trials of retinal diseases.

2007 Oct

Beck, R.W., Maguire, M.G., Bressler, N.M., Glassman, A.R., Lindblad, A.S., Ferris, F.L.

2008 Update from the Collaborative Islet Transplant Registry.

2008 Dec 27

Alejandro, R., Barton, F.B., Hering, B.J., Wease, S.

Clinical trials referral resource. Current clinical trials in neuroblastoma.

2002 Jan

Anderson, B.D., Mason, S., Cheson, B.D.

Day-to-day variability in acid reflux patterns using the BRAVO pH monitoring system.

2006 Jan

Ahlawat, S.K., Novak, D.J., Williams, D.C., Maher, K.A., Barton, F., Benjamin, S.B.

Linear growth patterns in prepubertal children following liver transplantation.

2009 Jun

Alonso, E.M., Shepherd, R., Martz, K.L., Yin, W., Anand, R.