
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Characteristics of motor dysfunction in longstanding HIV.

2020 Sep 12

Robinson-Papp, J., Gensler, G., Navis, A., Sherman, S., Ellis, R.J., Gelman, B.B., Kolson, D.L., Letendre, S.L., Singer, E.J., Valdes-Sueiras, M., Morgello, S.

Comparison of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Evaluate Performance of a Classifier for Automatic Grading of Prostate Cancer From Digitized Histopathologic Images.

2019 03 01

Nir, G., Karimi, D., Goldenberg, L., Fazli, L., Skinnider, B.F., Tavassoli, P., Turbin, D., Villamil, C.F., Wang, G., Thompson, D.J.S., Black, P.C., Salcudean, S.E.

Cytomegalovirus Genetic Diversity Following Primary Infection.

2020 Feb 18

Ross, S.A., Pati, P., Jensen, T.L., Goll, J.B., Gelber, C.E., Singh, A., McNeal, M., Boppana, S.B., Bernstein, D.I.

Factors Affecting Combination Trial Success (FACTS): Investigator Survey Results on Early-Phase Combination Trials.


Paller, C.J., Huang, E.P., Luechtefeld, T., Massett, H.A., Williams, C.C., Zhao, J., Gravell, A.E., Tamashiro, T., Reeves, S.A., Rosner, G.L., Carducci, M.A., Rubinstein, L., Ivy, P.

Factors Associated With Successful Discontinuation of Immune Suppression After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.

2019 Sep 26

Pidala, J., Martens, M., Anasetti, C., Carreras, J., Horowitz, M., Lee, S.J., Antin, J., Cutler, C., Logan, B.

Frailty in medically complex individuals with chronic HIV.

2019 08 01

Morgello, S., Gensler, G., Sherman, S., Ellis, R.J., Gelman, B.B., Kolson, D.L., Letendre, S.L., Robinson-Papp, J., Rubin, L.H., Singer, E., Valdes-Sueiras, M.

Measuring the impact of a mandatory province-wide vaccinate-or-mask policy on healthcare worker absenteeism in British Columbia, Canada.

2019 07 09

Murti, M., Otterstatter, M., Orth, A., Balshaw, R., Halani, K., Brown, P.D., Hejazi, S., Thompson, D., Allison, S., Bharmal, A., Dawar, M., Hoyano, D., Lee, V., Naus, M., Pollock, S., Bevanda, J., Coughlin, S., Fitzgerald, J., Keen, D., Maracle, M., Sprague, S., Henry, B.