
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Practicing Dentistry Using Findings From Clinical Research: You Are Closer Than You Think


Ship, J.A., Curro, F.A., Caufield, P.W., Dasanayake, A.P., Lindblad, A., Thompson, V.P., Vena, D.

Safety and Efficacy of a Calcineurin-Inhibitor Avoidance Regimen in Pediatric Renal Transplantation


Harmon, W., Meyers, K., Ingelfinger, J., McDonald, R., McIntosh, M., Ho, M., Spaneas, L., Palmer, J., Hawk, M., Geehan, C., Tinckam, K., Hancock, W., Sayegh, M.

The Effect of Cataract Surgery on the Development of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)


Bressler, S.B., Ferris, F.L., Milton, R.C., Gensler, G., Harrington, M., Kim, J., Chew, E.Y., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

The Effect of Lutein and Zeaxanthin Supplementation on Metabolites of These Carotenoids in the Serum of Persons Aged 60 or Older


Khachik, F., de Moura, F., Chew, E., Douglass, L., Ferris, F., Kim, J., Thompson, D.J.S.

The Effect of the Oral PKC b Inhibitor, Ruboxistaurin, on Visual Loss and Diabetic Macular Edema


Danis, R.P., Girach, A., Aiello, L.P., Davis, M.D., Milton, R.C., Sheetz, M.J., Lin, T.E., Zhi, X., Group, V.L. for the

The Natural History of Viral Markers in Children Infected With Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type I in Jamaica


Maloney, E., Yamano, Y., Van Veldhuisen, P., Sawada, T., Kim, N., Cranston, B., Hanchard, B., Jacobson, S., Hisada, M.