
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Challenges in the Design and Conduct of a Randomized Study of Two Interventions for Liquid Aspiration


Brandt, D.K., Hind, J.A., Robbins, J., Lindblad, A.S., Gensler, G., Gill, G., Baum, H., Lilienfeld, D., Logemann, J.A., Sciences, C., Group, D.Clinical T.

Clinical Trials Referral Resource. Current Clinical Trials in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer


Mooney, M., Denicoff, A., Chevalier, S., Schoenfeldt, M.

Dose Ranging Study of Lutein Supplementation in Persons Aged 60 Years or Older


Rosenthal, J., Kim, J., de Monastario, F., Thompson, D.J.S., Bone, R., Landrum, J., Moura, F., Khachik, F., Chen, H., Schleicher, R., Ferris, F., Chew, E.

Effect of Ruboxistaurin on Visual Loss in Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy


Group, P.K.C.D.R.S., Aiello, L., Davis, M., Girach, A., Kles, K., Milton, R., Sheetz, M., Vignati, L., Zhi, X.

Effect of the oral PKC b Inhibitor, Ruboxistaurin, on vision loss in patients with diabetic retinopathy: The PKC-DRS2 study results


Aiello, L.P., Vignati, L., , , Zhi, X., Davis, M.D., Milton, R.C., Group, G.A. for the

In Utero Antiepileptic Drug Exposures: Differential IQ Outcomes in Children of Women With Epilepsy


Meador, K.J., Baker, G.A., Finnell, R.H., Kalayjian, L.A., Liporace, J.D., Loring, D.W., Mawer, G., Pennell, P.B., Smith, J.C., Wolff, M.C., Group, T.N.E.A.D.Study