
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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The NINDS Clinical Research Collaboration


Hart, R., Marler, J., Lindblad, A.S.

The Risk of Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts in Granulocyte Donors


Burch, J., Mair, D., Meny, G., Moroff, G., Ching, S., Naidoff, M., Steuer, E., Loftus, S., Armstrong, J., Clemons, T., Klein, B.

Twenty-Four Hour Urine Insulin as a Measure of Hyperinsulinaemia/Insulin Resistance Before Onset of Pre-Eclampsia and Gestational Hypertension


Emery, S.P., Levine, R.J., Quan, C., Ewell, M., England, L.J., Yu, K.F., Catalano, M.

Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation in Pediatric Patients with Malignant Diseases: Results of a Prospective, Multi-Institutional NHLBI Sponsored Trial


Kurtzberg, J., Carter, S.L., Wagner, J.E., Baxter-Lowe, L.A., Wall, D., Kapoor, N., Guinan, E., Feig, S., Wagner, E., Kernan, N.A.

A Novel and Efficient Site Selection Process for a Large Multi-Center Trial


Chew, E., SanGiovanni, J.P., McBee, W., Clemons, T., Thotapally, K., Watson, V.

A Phase I Study of 4 Live, Recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus Towne/Toledo Chimeric Vaccines


Heineman, T.C., Schleiss, M., Bernstein, D.I., Spaete, R.R., Yan, L., Duke, G., Prichard, M., Wanh, Z., Yan, Q., Sharp, M.A., Klein, N., Arvin, A.M., Kemble, G.

A Rabbit Model for Assessing the Ocular Barriers to the Transscleral Delivery of Triamcinolone Acetonide


Robinson, M.R., Lee, S.S., Kim, H., Kim, S., Lutz, R.J., Galban, C., Bungay, P.M., Yuan, P., Wang, N.S., Kim, J., Csaky, K.G.

Baseline Patient Characteristics in the PKC-DRS2 Trial: The Effect of The PKC-b Inhibitor Ruboxistaurin on Moderate Visual Loss


Aiello, L.P., Vignati, L., Sheetz, M.J., Zhi, X., Girach, A., Davis, M.D., Milton, R.C., Group, T.P.K.C.D.R.S.2 S.