
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Use of rhGH in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease: Lessons from NAPRTCS


Seikaly, M., Salhab, N., Warady, B., Stablein, D.

Visual Acuity as an Outcome Measure in Clinical Trials of Retinal Diseases


Beck, R., Maguire, M., Bressler, N., Glassman, A., Lindblad, A., Ferris, F.

Visual Acuity Loss Associated With Advanced AMD Fundus Lesions and With the Simplified AREDS AMD Severity Scale


Chew, E., Clemons, T., Milton, R.C., Davis, M.D., Ferris, F.L., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

A Randomized Study of Three Interventions for Aspiration of Thin Liquids in Patients with Dementia or Parkinson's Disease


Logemann, J.A., Gensler, G., Robbins, J., Lindblad, A.S., Brandt, D., Hind, J.A., Kosek, S., Dikeman, K., Kazandjian, M., Gramigna, G.D., Lundy, D., McGarvey-Toler, S., Gardner, P.J.Miller

Cardiovascular Risk of Celecoxib in 6 Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials The Cross Trial Safety Analysis


Solomon, S., Wittes, J., Finn, P.V., Fowler, R., Viner, J., Bertagnolli, M.M., Arber, N., Levin, B., Meinert, C.L., Martin, B., Pater, J.L., Goss, P.E., Lance, P., Obara, S., Chew, E., Kim, J., Arndt, G., Hawk, E., Group, C.Trial Safe

Cataract Classification Using Serial Examinations in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study: Age-Related Eye Disease Study Report No. 24


SanGiovanni, J.P., Chew, E., Agron, E., T, C., III, F.L.Ferris, G, G., AS, L., R, M., Seddon, J., Klein, R., Sperduto, R., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

Comparison of 2 Interventions for Liquid Aspiration on Pneumonia Incidence: A Randomized Trial


Robbins, J., Gensler, G., Hind, J., Logemann, J., Lindblad, A., Brandt, D., Baum, H., Lilienfeld, D., Kosek, S., Lundy, D., Dikeman, K., Kazandjian, M., Gramigna, G., McGarvey-Toler, S., Gardner, P.J.Miller