
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Single Marker Associations of NFkB Pathway Genes with Advanced AMD


Ajudua, S.N., Elashoff, M., Chew, E., Vora, A., Reed, G.F., Agron, E., Henning, A.K., Clemons, T.E., Hoh, J., SanGiovanni, J.P.

Single Marker Associations of Nuclear-Encoded Mitochondrial Genes with Advanced AMD


SanGiovanni, J.P., Chew, E.Y., Clemons, T.E., Henning, A.K., Hoh, J., Elashoff, M.

The Effect of Cataract Surgery on the Development of Geographic Atrophy


Milton, R.C., Ferris, F.L., Gensler, G.R., Ho, M., Davis, M.D., Clemons, T.E., Chew, E.Y., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

The NCI Pediatric Central Institutional Review Board (PedCIRB) Initiative: Progress and Impact


Anderson, B.D., Goldberg, J., Adler, J., Covington, L., Olson, D., Gordon, B., Reaman, G., Everett, J., Smith, M., Christian, M.

The Relationship of Dietary Carotenoid and Vitamin A, E, and C Intake with Age-Related Macular Degeneration in a Case-Control Study: AREDS Report No. 22


Group, A.R.Eye Diseas, SanGiovanni, J.P., Chew, E., Clemons, T., III, F.L.Ferris, Gensler, G., Lindblad, A.S., Milton, R., Seddon, J.M., Sperduto, R.

The Relationship of Dietary Lipid Intake and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in a Case-Control Study: AREDS Report No. 20


SanGiovanni, J.P., Chew, E., T, C., MD, D., III, F.L.Ferris, G, G., Kurinij, N., AS, L., R, M., Seddon, J., Sperduto, R., Group, A.R.Eye Diseas

The Role of Practice Based Research Networks (PBRN) in the Spectrum of Clinical Trials


Curro, F., Capstraw, E., Harewood, L., Sung, A., Network, T.P.E.A.R.L.