Resource Center
Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.
In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.
Maximizing Accrual to Transplant Trials in Multiple Myeloma (MM): Lessons from the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) and Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Collaboration (Poster).
Pasquini, M., Foley, A., Carter, S., Confer, D., Horowitz, M., Gurgol, C., Giralt, S., Schilsky, R., McCarthy, P.
Mortality Risk in Children after Renal Allograft Failure: A NAPRTCS Study
Chen, A., Martz, K., Kershaw, D., Magee, J., Panduranga, R.
Most Closely HLA-Matched Allogeneic Virus Specific Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes (CTL) to Treat Persistent Reactivation or Infection with Adenovirus, CMV and EBV after Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT).
, , Mendizabal, A., Shpall, E., Szabolcs, P., Antin, J., Kapoor, N., Heaton, C., Grilley, B., Gee, A., Brenner, M., Rooney, C., Heslop, H.
NIH/NHLBI-Funded Program Production Assistance For Cellular Therapies (PACT) Renewed.
Kassalow, N., Wood, D., Gee, A., Rooney, C., Silberstein, L., Couture, L., Wagner, J., McKenna, D., Hei, D., Lindblad, R.
Randomized Double-blind Trial of Fluconazole vs Voriconazole for Prevention of Invasive Fungal Infection after Allo Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Wingard, J., Carter, S., Walsh, T., Kurtzberg, J., Small, T., Baden, L., Gersten, I., Mendizabal, A., Leather, H., Confer, D., Maziarz, R., Stadtmauer, E., Bolanos-Meade, J., Brown, J., DiPersio, J., Boeckh, M., Marr, K.
The Effects of Clinical Turnover on a Large Multi-Center Trial.
Jones, K., Watson, V., McBee, W., Clemons, T., Chew, E.
Time Sensitive Parameters of Immune Reconstitution Measured Between Day 100 and 1 Year Predict Survival After Unrelated Cord Blood Transplant (UCBT): The Dynamic Impact of Dendritic Cells, Tregs, and Thymic Recovery.
, , Wilfret, D., Reese, M., Vinesett, R., Page, K., Parikh, S.H., Kurtzberg, J.
Treatment of Geographic Atrophy by the Topical Administration of OT-551: Results of a Phase II Clinical Trial
Wong, W., Kam, W., Cunningham, D., Harrington, M., Hammel, K., Meyerle, C., Cukras, C., Chew, E., Sadda, S., Ferris, F.
A Comparison of Obstetric Maneuvers for the Acute Management of Shoulder Dystocia
Hoffman, M., Bailit, J., Branch, D., Burkman, R., Van Veldhuisen, P., Lu, L., Kominiarek, M., Hibbard, J., Landy, H.J., Haberman, S., Wilkins, I., Gonzalez-Quintero, V., Gregory, K., Hatjis, C., Ramirez, M., Reddy, U., Troendle, J., Zhang, J., Labor, Con Safe