
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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A West Nile Virus DNA Vaccine Utilizing a Modified Promoter Induces Neutralizing Antibody in Younger and Older Healthy Adults in a Phase I Clinical Trial


Ledgerwood, J.E., Pierson, T.C., Hubka, S.A., Desai, N., Rucker, S., Gordon, I.J., Enama, M.E., Nelson, S., Nason, M., Gu, W., Bundrant, N., Koup, R.A., Bailer, R.T., , , Nabel, G.J., Graham, B.S., Team, T.V.R.C. 303 St

Baseline Predictors of Visual Acuity and Retinal Thickness Outcomes in Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion. SCORE Study Report 10


Scott, I., Van Veldhuisen, P., Oden, N., Ip, M., Blodi, B., Hartnett, M., Cohen, G., Group, S.C.O.R.E.Study Inve

Characteristics Associated With Severe Perineal and Cervical Lacerations During Vaginal Delivery


, , Bailit, J., Kominiarek, M., Gonzalez-Quintero, V., Ramirez, M., Haberman, S., Hibbard, J., Wilkins, I., Branch, D., Burkman, R., Gregory, K., Hoffman, M., Learman, L., Hatjis, C., Van Veldhuisen, P., Reddy, U., Troendle, J., Sun, L., Zhang, J.

Cognitive and Academic Outcomes after Pediatric Liver Transplantation: Functional Outcomes Group (FOG) Results


Sorensen, L., Neighbors, K., Martz, K., Zelko, F., Bucuvalas, J., Alonso, E.

Cognitive Function at Age 6 Years in Children Exposed In Utero to Antiepileptic Drug


Meador, K.J., Baker, G.A., Browning, B., Cohen, M.J., Bromley, R.L., Clayton-Smith, J., Kalayjian, L.A., Kanner, K., Liporace, J.D., Pennell, P.B., Privitera, M., Loring, D.W.

Dosing Strategies for Lithium Monotherapy in Children and Adolescents with Bipolar I Disorder


Findling, R., Kafantaris, V., Pavuluri, M., McNamara, N., McClellan, J., Frazier, J., Sikich, L., Kowatch, R., Lingler, J., Faber, J., Rowles, B., Clemons, T., Taylor-Zapata, P.

Foetal Antiepileptic Drug Exposure and Verbal Versus Non-Verbal Abilities at Three Years of Age


Meador, K., Baker, G., Browning, N., Cohen, M., Clayton-Smith, J., Kalayjian, L., Kanner, A., Liporace, J., Pennell, P., Privitera, M., Loring, D., Group, N.E.A.D.Study