
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Cancer incidences in Europe related to mortalities, and ethnohistoric, genetic, and geographic distances.

2000 May 23

Sokal, R.R., Oden, N.L., Rosenberg, M.S., Thomson, B.A.

Cardiovascular risk of celecoxib in 6 randomized placebo-controlled trials: the cross trial safety analysis.

2008 Apr 22

Solomon, S.D., Wittes, J., Finn, P.V., Fowler, R., Viner, J., Bertagnolli, M.M., Arber, N., Levin, B., Meinert, C.L., Martin, B., Pater, J.L., Goss, P.E., Lance, P., Obara, S., Chew, E.Y., Kim, J., Arndt, G., Hawk, E.

Clinical trials referral resource. Children with brain tumors.

1998 Mar

Smith, M.A., Cheson, B.D., Nelson, A.P.

Clinical trials referral resource. Clinical trials using gemcitabine.

1996 Jun

Sorensen, J.M., Phillips, P.H., Cheson, B.D.

Clinical trials referral resource. Current clinical trials of molecularly targeted agents in children with cancer, Part 2.

2002 Apr

Smith, M.A., Dancey, J.E., Matczak, E., Zwiebel, J.A., Anderson, B., Schoenfeldt, M.

Clinical trials referral resource. Current clinical trials of molecularly targeted agents in children with cancer.

2002 Mar

Smith, M.A., Murgo, A.J., Wright, J.J., Schoenfeldt, M., Cheson, B.D.

Combination chemotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer: equivalence to external beam irradiation and implication for future management.

1983 Jul

Smith, F.P., Stablein, D., Korsmeyer, S., Neefe, J., Chun, B.K., Woolley, P.V., Schein, P.S.