
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Heavy metals and couple fecundity, the LIFE Study.

2012 Jun

Louis, G.M.Buck, Sundaram, R., Schisterman, E.F., Sweeney, A.M., Lynch, C.D., Gore-Langton, R.E., Chen, Z., Kim, S., Caldwell, K.L., Barr, D.Boyd

Management of metabolic effects associated with anticancer agents targeting the PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway.

2012 Aug 10

Busaidy, N.L., Farooki, A., Dowlati, A., Perentesis, J.P., Dancey, J.E., Doyle, L.A., Brell, J.M., Siu, L.L.

Oral immunotherapy for treatment of egg allergy in children.

2012 Jul 19

Burks, W., Jones, S.M., Wood, R.A., Fleischer, D.M., Sicherer, S.H., Lindblad, R.W., Stablein, D., Henning, A.K., Vickery, B.P., Liu, A.H., Scurlock, A.M., Shreffler, W.G., Plaut, M., Sampson, H.A.

Safety and effectiveness of meropenem in infants with suspected or complicated intra-abdominal infections.

2012 Dec

Cohen-Wolkowiez, M., Poindexter, B., Bidegain, M., Weitkamp, J.H., Schelonka, R.L., Randolph, D.A., Ward, R.M., Wade, K., Valencia, G., Burchfield, D., Arrieta, A., Mehta, V., Walsh, M., Kantak, A., Rasmussen, M., Sullivan, J.E., Finer, N., Rich, W., Brozanski, B.S., van den Anker, J., Blumer, J., Laughon, M., Watt, K.M., Kearns, G.L., Capparelli, E.V., Martz, K., Berezny, K., Benjamin, D.K., Smith, B.

Web-based, psychosocial treatment for substance use disorders in community treatment settings.

2012 May

Campbell, A.N.C., Miele, G.M., Nunes, E.V., McCrimmon, S., Ghitza, U.E.

Effects of a standardized pamphlet on insomnia in children with autism spectrum disorders.

2012 Nov

Adkins, K.W., Molloy, C., Weiss, S.K., Reynolds, A., Goldman, S.E., Burnette, C., Clemons, T., Fawkes, D., Malow, B.A.

Improvement in outcomes of clinical islet transplantation: 1999-2010.

2012 Jul

Barton, F.B., Rickels, M.R., Alejandro, R., Hering, B.J., Wease, S., Naziruddin, B., Oberholzer, J., Odorico, J.S., Garfinkel, M.R., Levy, M., Pattou, F., Berney, T., Secchi, A., Messinger, S., Senior, P.A., Maffi, P., Posselt, A., Stock, P.G., Kaufman, D.B., Luo, X., Kandeel, F., Cagliero, E., Turgeon, N.A., Witkowski, P., Naji, A., O'Connell, P.J., Greenbaum, C., Kudva, Y.C., Brayman, K.L., Aull, M.J., Larsen, C., Kay, T.W.H., Fernandez, L.A., Vantyghem, M.C., Bellin, M., Shapiro, A.M.James

Level of oral health impacts among patients participating in PEARL: a dental practice-based research network.

2012 Aug

Botello-Harbaum, M.T., Matthews, A.G., Collie, D., Vena, D.A., Craig, R.G., Curro, F.A., Thompson, V.P., Broder, H.L.