
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Protection against malaria by intravenous immunization with a nonreplicating sporozoite vaccine.

2013 Sep 20

Seder, R.A., Chang, L.J., Enama, M.E., Zephir, K.L., Sarwar, U.N., Gordon, I.J., Holman, L.S.A., James, E.R., Billingsley, P.F., Gunasekera, A., Richman, A., Chakravarty, S., Manoj, A., Velmurugan, S., Li, M.L., Ruben, A.J., Li, T., Eappen, A.G., Stafford, R.E., Plummer, S.H., Hendel, C.S., Novik, L., Costner, P.J.M., Mendoza, F.H., Saunders, J.G., Nason, M.C., Richardson, J.H., Murphy, J., Davidson, S.A., Richie, T.L., Sedegah, M., Sutamihardja, A., Fahle, G.A., Lyke, K.E., Laurens, M.B., Roederer, M., Tewari, K., Epstein, J.E., Sim, K.Lee, Ledgerwood, J.E., Graham, B.S., Hoffman, S.L.

Response to therapy following retreatment of serofast early syphilis patients with benzathine penicillin.

2013 Feb

Seña, A.C., Wolff, M., Behets, F., Van Damme, K., Martin, D.H., Leone, P., McNeil, L., Hook, E.W.

Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Cytomegalovirus Infections in Adolescent Females.

2013 Mar

Stadler, L.Patricia, Bernstein, D.I., Callahan, T., Turley, C.B., Munoz, F.M., Ferreira, J., Acharya, M., Simone, G.A.Gorgone, Patel, S.M., Edwards, K.M., Rosenthal, S.L.

Solid tumors following kidney transplantation in children.

2013 Dec

Smith, J.M., Martz, K., McDonald, R.A., Harmon, W.E.

The national drug abuse treatment clinical trials network data share project: website design, usage, challenges, and future directions.


Shmueli-Blumberg, D., Hu, L., Allen, C., Frasketi, M., Wu, L.T., VanVeldhuisen, P.

Dental hygienists' role in practice based research: PEARL Network evaluation.

2013 Feb

Grill, A.C., Johnson, J., Collie, D., Thompson, V.P., Craig, R.G., Curro, F.A.

Osteonecrosis of the jaw and oral hygiene: a case-control study from Condor Dental PBRN.

2012 Winter

Hujoel, P., Barasch, A., Cunha-Cruz, J., Curro, F.A., Sung, A.H., Vena, D., Voinea-Griffin, A.E., Beadnell, S., Craig, R.G., DeRouen, T., Dasanayake, A., Gilbert, A., Gilbert, G.H., Goldberg, K., Hauley, R., Hashimoto, M., Holmes, J., Latzke, B., Leroux, B., Lindblad, A., Richman, J., Safford, M., Ship, J., Thompson, V.P., Williams, O.D., Yin, W.

Rapid research response to the 2009 A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza pandemic (Revised).

2013 May 03

Keitel, W.A., Piedra, P.A., Atmar, R.L., Demmler, G., Sahly, H.M.El, Barrett, J., Halpin, R.A., Lagos, R., Fisher-Hoch, S., Munoz, F.