
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.





Resistance-Guided Treatment of Gonorrhea: A Prospective Clinical Study.

2020 Aug 07

Klausner, J.D., Bristow, C.C., Soge, O.O., Shahkolahi, A., Waymer, T., Bolan, R.K., Philip, S.S., Asbel, L.E., Taylor, S.N., Mena, L.A., Goldstein, D.A., Powell, J.A., Wierzbicki, M.R., Morris, S.R.

PfSPZ-CVac efficacy against malaria increases from 0% to 75% when administered in the absence of erythrocyte stage parasitemia: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial with controlled human malaria infection.

2021 May

Murphy, S.C., Deye, G.A., Sim, K.Lee, Galbiati, S., Kennedy, J.K., Cohen, K.W., Chakravarty, S., Kc, N., Abebe, Y., James, E.R., Kublin, J.G., Hoffman, S.L., Richie, T.L., Jackson, L.A.

Effect of Concomitant Antibiotic and Vaccine Administration on Serologic Responses to Rotavirus Vaccine.

2020 Sep 17

Anderson, E.J., Lopman, B., Yi, J., Libster, R., Creech, B., El-Khorazaty, J., Baqar, S., Yildirim, I., Kao, C., Rouphael, N., Shane, A.L., Edwards, K.

Genetic Disruption of Serine Biosynthesis is a Key Driver of Macular Telangiectasia Type 2 Aetiology and Progression

2021 Mar 09

Bonelli, R., Ansell, B.R.E., Lotta, L., Scerri, T., Clemons, T.E., Leung, I., Peto, T., Bird, A.C., Sallo, F.B., Langenberg, C., Bahlo, M.

HIV disease duration, but not active brain infection, predicts cortical amyloid beta deposition.

2021 Mar 31

Morgello, S., Cortes, E.P., Gensler, G., Meloni, G., Jacobs, M.M., Murray, J., Borukov, V., Crary, J.F.

Cure Sickle Cell Initiative Standardized Data Forms for Genetic Therapy Studies


Lanzkron, S., Thompson, A., Mondoro, T., Carroll, P., DeBaun, M., Kanter, J., Malik, P., Manwani, D., Pierciey, J., Walters, M., Clemons, T., Coleman-Cowger, V., Alai, S.

Asthma Medication Regimens in Pregnancy: Longitudinal Changes in Asthma Status

E-pub2021 Apr 21

Rohn, M.C.H., Stevens, D.R., Kanner, J., Nobles, C., Chen, Z., Grantz, K.L., Sherman, S., Grobman, W.A., Kumar, R., Biggio, J., Mendola, P.

Crash rates over time among younger and older drivers in the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study.

2020 06

Simons-Morton, B.G., Gershon, P., O'Brien, F., Gensler, G., Klauer, S.G., Ehsani, J.P., Zhu, C., Gore-Langton, R.E., Dingus, T.A.