
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.





Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Single Infusion in Critically Ill Adults in a Phase IV Open-Label Multicenter Study (ACUMIN).

2021 02 17

Lodise, T.P., Van Wart, S., Sund, Z.M., Bressler, A.M., Khan, A., Makley, A.T., Hamad, Y., Salata, R.A., Silveira, F.P., Sims, M.D., Kabchi, B.A., Saad, M.A., Brown, C., Oler, R.E., Fowler, V., Wunderink, R.G.

Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system modifications to capture COVID-19 related data in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trial Network (NDAT CTN)”


Matthews, A.G., Case, A., Salazar, D., King, J., Krause, K., Lewis, M., DeVogel, N., Hefner, K.

Ocular surface indicators and biomarkers in chronic ocular graft-versus-host disease: a prospective cohort study.

2021 Mar 08

Pietraszkiewicz, A.A., Payne, D., Abraham, M., Garced, A., Devarasetty, K.C., Wall, M., Menezes, S.M., Ugarte, S., Pirsl, F., Goklemez, S., Ferris, F.L., Barrett, J., Battiwalla, M., Childs, R.W., Pavletic, S.Z., Bishop, R.J.

Reproducibility of Grading Superficial vs Deep Retinal Hemorrhage in the Study of COmparative Treatments for REtinal Vein Occlusion 2 (SCORE2)


Whittier, S., Au, A., Sarraf, D., Oden, N., VanVeldhuisen, P., Scott, I., Ip, M., Watson, S., Blodi, B., Domalpally, A.

Updated Standardized Definitions for Efficacy End Points (STEEP) in Adjuvant Breast Cancer Clinical Trials: STEEP Version 2.0.

2021 May 18

Tolaney, S.M., Garrett-Mayer, E., White, J., Blinder, V.S., Foster, J.C., Amiri-Kordestani, L., Hwang, S., Bliss, J.M., Rakovitch, E., Perlmutter, J., Spears, P.A., Frank, E., Tung, N.M., Elias, A.D., Cameron, D., Denduluri, N., Best, A.F., DiLeo, A., Baizer, L., Butler, L.Pearson, Schwartz, E., Winer, E.P., Korde, L.A.

Doxycycline Versus Azithromycin for the Treatment of Rectal Chlamydia in Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial

2021 02 19

Dombrowski, J.C., Wierzbicki, M.R., Newman, L.M., Powell, J.A., Miller, A., Dithmer, D., Soge, O.O., Mayer, K.H.